Bear Lak Bear Lake DUE TO COVIDI9: ahlinhel Aablihed City facilities are currently closed but staff is available by email and phone to provide service to residents and businesses. The White Bear Lake License Bureau is now offering the following services through a drop box in front of City Hall · Duplicate plates/tabs · Special plate applications · License tab renewal Duplicate titles Spring Cleanup day has been cancelled. Trash to Treasure has been postponed until Fall Cleanup Day (October 3, 2020). For updated information on resources available to residents and businesses please visit Follow us on WITE DEAR SAKE CITY HALL Facebook and Twitter innesota Minnesola of White WELL Bear Lak Bear Lake DUE TO COVIDI9: ahlinhel Aablihed City facilities are currently closed but staff is available by email and phone to provide service to residents and businesses. The White Bear Lake License Bureau is now offering the following services through a drop box in front of City Hall · Duplicate plates/tabs · Special plate applications · License tab renewal Duplicate titles Spring Cleanup day has been cancelled. Trash to Treasure has been postponed until Fall Cleanup Day (October 3, 2020). For updated information on resources available to residents and businesses please visit Follow us on WITE DEAR SAKE CITY HALL Facebook and Twitter innesota Minnesola of White WELL