POD'S COMPLETE CAR CARE & ACCESSORIES Ryan & Nicole Podewils Rhino Linings L Find us on facebook. WINNERVINNER Scan here to make online appointments OPEN: Monday - Friday 8am-6pm 3634 Scheuneman Rd.. White Bear Lake, MN (651) 426-4640 Free Air Conditioning Performance Test We will check AC temperature, system pressures, belts, and hose to make sure your system is operating at peak efficiency. 3634 Scheuneman Fd White Bear Lake 651-42-4640 I POD'S HOCUR 1 1 Oil Change & Tire Rotation Semi-Synthetic service $24.90l change Full Sy $49.90 21-point I inspections Top off all fluids Most cars and light trucks I Sometrictions may apply/31/20 Prem Synthetic $89.95 WBCHO (up to 5 qts) & I Tire Rotation I Ro +451-42-4648 E Complete Brake Service $149 Front or Rear Brake Service (includes free brake inspection) Standard brake service Replace brake pads or shoes Clean and lube brake hardware Parts Sestrictions may apply 304 Scheuren W -651-425-464 WBCI 10% OFF ANY SERVICE Up to $60.00 Somercions may apply. 80123 3034 WBCHO -5-4-4 POD'S COMPLETE CAR CARE & ACCESSORIES Ryan & Nicole Podewils Rhino Linings L Find us on facebook . WINNERVINNER Scan here to make online appointments OPEN : Monday - Friday 8 am-6pm 3634 Scheuneman Rd .. White Bear Lake , MN ( 651 ) 426-4640 Free Air Conditioning Performance Test We will check AC temperature , system pressures , belts , and hose to make sure your system is operating at peak efficiency . 3634 Scheuneman Fd White Bear Lake 651-42-4640 I POD'S HOCUR 1 1 Oil Change & Tire Rotation Semi - Synthetic service $ 24.90l change Full Sy $ 49.90 21 - point I inspections Top off all fluids Most cars and light trucks I Sometrictions may apply / 31 / 20 Prem Synthetic $ 89.95 WBCHO ( up to 5 qts ) & I Tire Rotation I Ro + 451-42-4648 E Complete Brake Service $ 149 Front or Rear Brake Service ( includes free brake inspection ) Standard brake service Replace brake pads or shoes Clean and lube brake hardware Parts Sestrictions may apply 304 Scheuren W -651-425-464 WBCI 10 % OFF ANY SERVICE Up to $ 60.00 Somercions may apply . 80123 3034 WBCHO -5-4-4