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  • Published Date

    May 8, 2019
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WHITE BEAR FLORAL SHOP 651-484-3391 Your purchase of $25 or more easo Not good with other offers or discounts. Expires 5-31-19 ere $1O OFF ANNUAL BEDDING PLANTS & VEGETABLES (Sold by the pack, individual or containers) . POPULAR PERENNIALS HANGING BASKETS Your purchase of $50 or more EXCEPTIONAL GERANIUMS MIXED PLANTED CONTAINERSNot.ood wit ohe offs on discounts.Expires 5-31-19 ·CUSTOM PLANTING AVAILABLE reet $25 OFF 3550 Hoffman Rd. W., White Bear Lake Co. Rd.E &Hwy.61 www.whitebearfloral.com M-F 8am-5pm. Sat 8am-4pm Sun 10am-4pm Your purchase of $100 or more teleflora. Not good with other offers or discounts. Expires 5-31-19 FTD AvailableF flowershop WHITE BEAR FLORAL SHOP 651-484-3391 Your purchase of $25 or more easo Not good with other offers or discounts. Expires 5-31-19 ere $1O OFF ANNUAL BEDDING PLANTS & VEGETABLES (Sold by the pack, individual or containers) . POPULAR PERENNIALS HANGING BASKETS Your purchase of $50 or more EXCEPTIONAL GERANIUMS MIXED PLANTED CONTAINERSNot.ood wit ohe offs on discounts.Expires 5-31-19 · CUSTOM PLANTING AVAILABLE reet $25 OFF 3550 Hoffman Rd. W., White Bear Lake Co. Rd.E &Hwy.61 www.whitebearfloral.com M-F 8am-5pm. Sat 8am-4pm Sun 10am-4pm Your purchase of $100 or more teleflora . Not good with other offers or discounts. Expires 5-31-19 FTD AvailableF flowershop