Don't take your most important investment for granted! At World Around Us Child Care thi we encourage curiosity and learn through hearing the World Around Us. C Serving our families for over 26 years in the community. We are Nationally Accredited and have a 4 STAR Parent Aware Rating 5065 Stewart Ave. White Bear Lake 651-773-1406 Our Children are well prepared for the challeges of elementaryschooland beyond! Caring, loving and educating children 6 weeks through 8 years old Don't take your most important investment for granted! At World Around Us Child Care thi we encourage curiosity and learn through hearing the World Around Us. C Serving our families for over 26 years in the community. We are Nationally Accredited and have a 4 STAR Parent Aware Rating 5065 Stewart Ave. White Bear Lake 651-773-1406 Our Children are well prepared for the challeges of elementaryschooland beyond! Caring, loving and educating children 6 weeks through 8 years old