Breaking news: Sitzer/Burnett National Lawsuit, sued several brand Real Estate companies. As a result, our commission structure has changed. White Bear Lake Realty LOCALLY OWNED 1% TO SELL James Sanchez LOWEST COST TO SELL Broker-owner 30 years experience MLS GUARANTEED! 4790 Banning Avenue Downtown White Bear Lake 651-653-7326 WBL Realty Leading: As always we are on the cutting-edge, out front letting you know we still offer the "Guaranteed Lowest Commission to Sell your Home" For your benefit it is now only 1%. Breaking news : Sitzer / Burnett National Lawsuit , sued several brand Real Estate companies . As a result , our commission structure has changed . White Bear Lake Realty LOCALLY OWNED 1 % TO SELL James Sanchez LOWEST COST TO SELL Broker - owner 30 years experience MLS GUARANTEED ! 4790 Banning Avenue Downtown White Bear Lake 651-653-7326 WBL Realty Leading : As always we are on the cutting - edge , out front letting you know we still offer the " Guaranteed Lowest Commission to Sell your Home " For your benefit it is now only 1 % .