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    May 5, 2022
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WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP News&Views 1858 RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA A bi-weekly section where readers will be informed on subjects of seasonal interest, upcoming events and other timely topics. Paper shredding will abo be wailable on May 21st from 8.00 am. - 100 p.m. Remember te Bring Your Driver's Likense or Utlity Bill for Preof of Residency turn offcomputer monitor when net in use putcomputer Your emaistexts - review yout emails & texts & to skepwhen not in use, set water temperature to 120 degreet, dean dryer filter ater everyload & don't over dry. Mere are some low-cost faxes: when replacing bulbs, switch to CFL or LED bulbsbundie electonics& devices THE CLERK'S CORNER - Greetings from Sortne THE TWO TOWNSHIP CLEAN-UP DAYS Clegn u ARE BACK- the Towrchipt Spring has amived, & our thoughts have turned to.irigation isues & the Emerald Ash bereri As the White Bear Satada. Max 14.2002 is the day you can dropoff your household hazardous waste Items from 9:00 am. to 300p.m. at Otter Lake Elementary School, 1401 County RoadH2. tems acoepted are as follows Antifree, battedties (vehicle & rechargeable) fuorescent lamps, mercaryitems thermostats, CFLS delete the ones you no longer need. Youcan alse save important messages to folders for future use - Your car - visit the car wash, vacuum the rugs & seats, wipe down the dashboard Your wallet/purse - getridofalthese Cub receipts, gas receipts, expired coupons, etc, & declutter your wallet or purse BAVING AT HOME GUIDE FOR ENERGY ENERGY on a power-stipå switch of when not in use dhange alr fiters once a month. Lake levellawsuit plods along, we are reminding our residents this spring to PLEASE be mindful of the Township's requirements specific to watering your lawn. We ate allunder the microscope for water use so we need to be as responsible as possiblel Also with the warmer weather coming in, the Emerald Ash borer is en our radar as wel If you have a tree you believe is infested, please have itevaluated & have tremoved.The Township will also provide this service. One more thing, if you are looking to volunteer en behalf of the Tewnship, please check our website regarding several Commission seats we have apen. & WATERSAVINGS - 380 ina Serie, Lighting & Electronics - Enengy effciency Here are some moderate to high cost investments parchase Energy Star products ese alaptop computer instead of a desktog use LEDorbetter sareens instead of CRT (TVor computer screen. themometers, old gasoline, paint paint stripper, thinner, isdiferent fom enmrgy conservation. When we - Your budget - itsaving moneyis a goai now is a good time to check your progress Examine how much you are spending & savings and reorganize your budget to ensure that it is warking best for you Your mail - we all routinely throw away junk mail daily, but there is a wayto stopiffrom being delivered. The Federal Teade Commissien has a few old cell phones, pesticides, rate or mouse polson, aerosol spraycans, used motor oil fiters, wood preservatives, conserve energy we are making an effort to reduce our consumption. We can conserve energy by reducing wasteful use. By tuming ofightsor tuming down the thermometer we are conserving energy. Energy efficiency is updating systems to more efficient devices. We can use energy more efficently by using CR. bulbs or upgrading devices to be Energy Starrated. Here are some no-cost solutions: burn lights offwhen notneeded, install bulbsinoniy as many sockets as needed: unplug electronics & deviceswhen jot in use, staims, weed killer solvents & propane tanks. Satunday, May 21. 2022, s the day you can drop off your other dean-up items from 200 am. to 200 Otter Lake Elementary School, 1401 County Road H-2. tems SPRING CLEAN THESE THINGS & THEY ARENT YOUR HOME - Your devices - weuse our electronics daly so they are xepted are as follows: Applances, automotive batteries, tires, mattbesse, furniture, carpeting, household fatures, TY, electronics, lawn mowers (al fuid must be drained bulding materiak, Imbs & brush. tips to help you get started at www.ftc.gor bound to need a good physikal & digitalserubbing once ina while. Wpe down the screens with a screen deaner, wash your cases & organize your apps to keep them squeaky dean Find un on Facebook Visit or call 651.747.2750 1281 Hammond Road, White Bear Township, Minnesota 55110 WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP News&Views 1858 RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA A bi-weekly section where readers will be informed on subjects of seasonal interest, upcoming events and other timely topics. Paper shredding will abo be wailable on May 21st from 8.00 am. - 100 p.m. Remember te Bring Your Driver's Likense or Utlity Bill for Preof of Residency turn offcomputer monitor when net in use putcomputer Your emaistexts - review yout emails & texts & to skepwhen not in use, set water temperature to 120 degreet, dean dryer filter ater everyload & don't over dry. Mere are some low-cost faxes: when replacing bulbs, switch to CFL or LED bulbsbundie electonics& devices THE CLERK'S CORNER - Greetings from Sortne THE TWO TOWNSHIP CLEAN-UP DAYS Clegn u ARE BACK- the Towrchipt Spring has amived, & our thoughts have turned to.irigation isues & the Emerald Ash bereri As the White Bear Satada. Max 14.2002 is the day you can dropoff your household hazardous waste Items from 9:00 am. to 300p.m. at Otter Lake Elementary School, 1401 County RoadH2. tems acoepted are as follows Antifree, battedties (vehicle & rechargeable) fuorescent lamps, mercaryitems thermostats, CFLS delete the ones you no longer need. Youcan alse save important messages to folders for future use - Your car - visit the car wash, vacuum the rugs & seats, wipe down the dashboard Your wallet/purse - getridofalthese Cub receipts, gas receipts, expired coupons, etc, & declutter your wallet or purse BAVING AT HOME GUIDE FOR ENERGY ENERGY on a power-stipå switch of when not in use dhange alr fiters once a month. Lake levellawsuit plods along, we are reminding our residents this spring to PLEASE be mindful of the Township's requirements specific to watering your lawn. We ate allunder the microscope for water use so we need to be as responsible as possiblel Also with the warmer weather coming in, the Emerald Ash borer is en our radar as wel If you have a tree you believe is infested, please have itevaluated & have tremoved.The Township will also provide this service. One more thing, if you are looking to volunteer en behalf of the Tewnship, please check our website regarding several Commission seats we have apen. & WATERSAVINGS - 380 ina Serie, Lighting & Electronics - Enengy effciency Here are some moderate to high cost investments parchase Energy Star products ese alaptop computer instead of a desktog use LEDorbetter sareens instead of CRT (TVor computer screen. themometers, old gasoline, paint paint stripper, thinner, isdiferent fom enmrgy conservation. When we - Your budget - itsaving moneyis a goai now is a good time to check your progress Examine how much you are spending & savings and reorganize your budget to ensure that it is warking best for you Your mail - we all routinely throw away junk mail daily, but there is a wayto stopiffrom being delivered. The Federal Teade Commissien has a few old cell phones, pesticides, rate or mouse polson, aerosol spraycans, used motor oil fiters, wood preservatives, conserve energy we are making an effort to reduce our consumption. We can conserve energy by reducing wasteful use. By tuming ofightsor tuming down the thermometer we are conserving energy. Energy efficiency is updating systems to more efficient devices. We can use energy more efficently by using CR. bulbs or upgrading devices to be Energy Starrated. Here are some no-cost solutions: burn lights offwhen notneeded, install bulbsinoniy as many sockets as needed: unplug electronics & deviceswhen jot in use, staims, weed killer solvents & propane tanks. Satunday, May 21. 2022, s the day you can drop off your other dean-up items from 200 am. to 200 Otter Lake Elementary School, 1401 County Road H-2. tems SPRING CLEAN THESE THINGS & THEY ARENT YOUR HOME - Your devices - weuse our electronics daly so they are xepted are as follows: Applances, automotive batteries, tires, mattbesse, furniture, carpeting, household fatures, TY, electronics, lawn mowers (al fuid must be drained bulding materiak, Imbs & brush. tips to help you get started at www.ftc.gor bound to need a good physikal & digitalserubbing once ina while. Wpe down the screens with a screen deaner, wash your cases & organize your apps to keep them squeaky dean Find un on Facebook Visit or call 651.747.2750 1281 Hammond Road, White Bear Township, Minnesota 55110