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    March 5, 2025
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News & Views A bi-weekly section where readers will be informed on subjects of seasonal interest, upcoming events and other timely topics. CLERK'S CORNER - Greetings from the Township! Despite the peaks & valleys in our weather patterns, clearly it would seem spring is on our doorstep. With that, we all need to be prepared for how we manage our water use! As our neighboring communities have done, the Township has developed a practical conservation plan that will hopefully help stop the slow of White Bear Lake. This year we will ALL be monitoring the Lake's level throughout the spring, summer, & fall. At any time White Bear Lake drops below the legally mandated level of 923.5 feet, irrigation will be restricted per existent Town Ordinance. Essentially, the terms within which we all must adhere remain the same, but all functionality is tied to the lake level. We will be updating status as frequently as we can via the Town's G websites. More information will become available as we close in on the spring portion of our irrigation seasons! WATER EFFICIENCY REBATES ARE STILL AVAILABLE - Water CLEAN LAND & AMENDMENT Efficiency Rebates are available to White Bear Township utility customers who replace existing LEGACY efficient products now through products with specified water A June 30, 2026 or until the remaining $35,909.61 is depleted. MITROPOLITAN The rebate is for 100% of the pretax cost of the item, up to the maximum rebate amount allowed on eligible water efficiency products. A minimum investment of $75.00 for homeowners or $200 for Commercial / HOA's is required on the Irrigation Audits. WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP Energy Star washers; $200 for Energy Star Certified Dishwashers; $200 for Water Sense toilets; $75 for Water Sense Showerheads; and $200 for Water Sense irrigation controllers; and up to $500 for Irrigation Audit by a Water Sense certified professional. Commercial/Homeowners Associations can also get rebates for irrigation improvements visit water-efficiency-rebate-program for more information about the Water Efficiency Rebate program. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING REMINDER - The Annual Town Meeting is Tuesday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. at Heritage Hall, 4200 Otter Lake Road. Your voice will be heard as those residents in attendance will approve the Town's Preliminary Tax website, as well as providing links to useful Residents can get up to a maximum of $150 for Levy by vote & hear updates on Township 1858 RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA activities as well as comments from public officials in attendance. ILLICIT DISCHARGE REMINDER Stormwater runoff is water from rain or melting snow that does not soak into the ground & into the storm drain. This water flows directly to our lakes, ponds, streams, & wetlands. With the melting snow, please remember that what goes down the drain, doesn't just disappear. It's up to you and me to keep out debris. TREE SALE: LAST CALL! - The Township is offering a limited quantity of trees for sale at wholesale prices. Ordering can be made by mail or in person with cash, check, or credit card. Ordering ends on March 15th with an expected delivery around the end of April, weather permitting. Order forms can be found on our website or at Town Hall. | 651.747.2750 |1281 Hammond Road, White Bear Township, Minnesota 55110 Find us on f Facebook News & Views A bi - weekly section where readers will be informed on subjects of seasonal interest , upcoming events and other timely topics . CLERK'S CORNER - Greetings from the Township ! Despite the peaks & valleys in our weather patterns , clearly it would seem spring is on our doorstep . With that , we all need to be prepared for how we manage our water use ! As our neighboring communities have done , the Township has developed a practical conservation plan that will hopefully help stop the slow of White Bear Lake . This year we will ALL be monitoring the Lake's level throughout the spring , summer , & fall . At any time White Bear Lake drops below the legally mandated level of 923.5 feet , irrigation will be restricted per existent Town Ordinance . Essentially , the terms within which we all must adhere remain the same , but all functionality is tied to the lake level . We will be updating status as frequently as we can via the Town's G websites . More information will become available as we close in on the spring portion of our irrigation seasons ! WATER EFFICIENCY REBATES ARE STILL AVAILABLE - Water CLEAN LAND & AMENDMENT Efficiency Rebates are available to White Bear Township utility customers who replace existing LEGACY efficient products now through products with specified water A June 30 , 2026 or until the remaining $ 35,909.61 is depleted . MITROPOLITAN The rebate is for 100 % of the pretax cost of the item , up to the maximum rebate amount allowed on eligible water efficiency products . A minimum investment of $ 75.00 for homeowners or $ 200 for Commercial / HOA's is required on the Irrigation Audits . WHITE BEAR TOWNSHIP Energy Star washers ; $ 200 for Energy Star Certified Dishwashers ; $ 200 for Water Sense toilets ; $ 75 for Water Sense Showerheads ; and $ 200 for Water Sense irrigation controllers ; and up to $ 500 for Irrigation Audit by a Water Sense certified professional . Commercial / Homeowners Associations can also get rebates for irrigation improvements visit water - efficiency - rebate - program for more information about the Water Efficiency Rebate program . ANNUAL TOWN MEETING REMINDER - The Annual Town Meeting is Tuesday , March 11th at 7:00 p.m. at Heritage Hall , 4200 Otter Lake Road . Your voice will be heard as those residents in attendance will approve the Town's Preliminary Tax website , as well as providing links to useful Residents can get up to a maximum of $ 150 for Levy by vote & hear updates on Township 1858 RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA activities as well as comments from public officials in attendance . ILLICIT DISCHARGE REMINDER Stormwater runoff is water from rain or melting snow that does not soak into the ground & into the storm drain . This water flows directly to our lakes , ponds , streams , & wetlands . With the melting snow , please remember that what goes down the drain , doesn't just disappear . It's up to you and me to keep out debris . TREE SALE : LAST CALL ! - The Township is offering a limited quantity of trees for sale at wholesale prices . Ordering can be made by mail or in person with cash , check , or credit card . Ordering ends on March 15th with an expected delivery around the end of April , weather permitting . Order forms can be found on our website or at Town Hall . | 651.747.2750 | 1281 Hammond Road , White Bear Township , Minnesota 55110 Find us on f Facebook